Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We're Back!!!

It's a little late, but we are back! We got back on Sunday (of last week) around 9:00. We had quite the trip! Lots of walking. Lots of siteseeing, and lots of new memories!!!
So, to start off the trip we went to the Capitol Building, Library of Congress, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, the World War ll memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial.

(I felt a little small....)

Next, We went to the Holocaust Museum. If you ever go to Washington D.C. I would highly recommend this! It's sad and you will definitely have to prepare yourself emotionally for it, but it is life changing. Also, we went to the National Archives Museum and saw the important documents of The United States of America. This was also very cool. That night we went and saw one of the Smithsoneon museums. We went to the American History Museum. We saw the flag that flew over Fort McHenry and inspired Francis Scott Keys to write the Star-Spangled Banner. Also, we saw the White house, The back of it actually, then we saw the Jefferson Memorial, and then went and saw the front of the White House.

Last, We visited the Arlington Cemetary. We got to see the Changing of the Gaurd. This was really strange. The military is really a whole different world, but it was cool to watch. Here we saw the Arlington House that was the home of Robert E. Lee. He was the General for the Confederate Army. We also saw John and Jacqueline Kennedy's grave along with the millions of others. We also saw the Washington D.C. Temple. This was very, very pretty, but seemed to have no windows. Don't know why, but it didn't. we saw Mount Vernon. This was the house to George Washington. I learned something new with him. He had slaves and had no children. This probably wasn't new to many people, but surprisingly new to me.

So, The result of our Washington D.C. Trip was a success! We had lots of fun! We definitely want to go back. See more Smithsoneons, and try to be locals.....That probably won't happen....
Sincerly, Sidney

The Latest News....

First all I want to say is that coming up with titles for each post is a bore.
So, if you see a post without a title don't stop reading it or my blog for that matter.
Thanks much.
Anyway, I feel like a broken record bringing this subject up, but I always find new thing I hate.
I, along with many other people, have decided to petition my science teacher.
Dramatic I know, but he is horrible.
The CRT tests are coming up and (I've talked to many people so this fact is true.) nobody is ready. At least in his class.
We aren't petitioning for him to get fired, but for the administration to be aware that he isn't fulfilling is teaching needs.
My mom surprisingly enough gave me the idea to petition. She said write a letter to the good old principal, Mr. Farnsworth, and get a bunch of signatures.
Again, I do not want him fired he just needs to become a good science teacher. It's an important subject.
Especially if you don't want to live on the streets. So if your thinking I'm this heartless kid that knows nothing. I beg to differ.

Friday, April 23, 2010


It's a sad story really. My parents went to St. George.
Worst of all is that they left me in the care of Lauren and Ashley.
Ashley doesn't cook. (Don't get offended sister. You've admitted it yourself.)
How in the world am I supposed to get food?
Lauren. Well, Lauren is just Lauren. I guess hmmm, Well, She's on the strange side.
(Again, sister don't get offended. You've heard me say it before.)
On a different note, How in the world do you get a playlist onto your blog?
I've been wondering and wondering for months now.
If you know please contact me ASAP!
Thanks much!
Sincerely, Sidney

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summer Fever

I'm getting summer fever!
I actually shaved my legs and wore shorts yesterday without getting goosebumps, and the hair growing back in 10 minutes.
Lets just say I need some serious tanning!
Anyway, I don't know if this fever is a good or bad thing. I have testing coming up and I'm not going to be able to focus with the perfect tanning weather outside!
wish me luck!
Sincerely, Sidney

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Inside Look

Today you are getting a very special treat! I found this cool room at our Hotel in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, where we are staying. It's called the "Buisness Link." Wanna know why it's such a cool room? Because it has a computer in it. Actually, it has three computers, but we will just keep it simple. Our trip is amazing! My feet are permentely numb, the back of my legs kill any time I walk, and I have a HUGE blister on the back of my left foot. Word to the wise. Never under any surcumstances wear brand new shoes to Washington D.C. All you do is walk and you will get a blister. No questions asked. I learned that the hard way.
There's more good things than bad though. I would just like to say I don't ever want to come back to Utah! It's so beautiful and green and fresh. Lauren and I tried to persuade my parents into moving out here, but that will probably not happen. If anybody has any good persuading skills, please drop by my house and help me out here! It will be much appreciated!
More news to come about Washington D.C!

Sincerely, Sidney

P.S. I can now offically cross off the following things on my list:
1. I've gone to Maryland
2. I've gone to Virginia
3. I've gone to Washington D.C.
4. I've touched to Washington Monument
5. I've Seen the White House
6. I've been on a public metro (It's like a subway)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm Off

So today is the day!! I leave for Washington D.C. in exactly 53 minutes right now! I'm totally excited! Who wouldn't be? I've decided that I'm most excited for the Holocaust museum. I'm not sure why. I know I am going to have a hard time going through it. Watching the movies, looking at the pictures, but I know that it's good for me and it will be all right. Don't get me wrong though, I am so siked for everything else! The Museum of the National Archives, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, The Tomb of the unknown soldier, George Washington's Estate. I could go on and on. I'm a little sad that we are there only for 3 days. We will definitely be rushed! Well, Adios, see ya when I get back!

Sincerely, Sidney

Monday, April 5, 2010

This Year the Easter Bunny was off Duty

This weekend was a little bit of a depressing one. The Easter Bunny didn't visit our house this year. Sad I know. (Warning: If you still believe in the Easter Bunny, I may just ruin it for you. Read on if you wish) Saturday night at about 11:30, my mom, my sisters Ashley and Lauren, and I were driving home from my Colorguard competition in Roy. We were trying to find somewhere to eat, and the only place we could find is a Smith's. So, as we were getting out of the car I asked my mom.
"Hey, mom are you doing Easter baskets tonight?"
You can see her reaction.
"OH NO!!"
Yes, it is true. My mother forgot about Easter. She didn't get any chocolate eggs, bunnys, or starburst jellybeans. I do have to admit that I was a little disappointed, but it gave me reason to keep the true meaning of Easter in my head. It worked out perfectly seeing as it was General Conference. I enjoyed the talks that I was awake for.

Sincerely, Sidney